{include file='iheader.tpl' p="general"}

{if $ad_1 != ''}
{if $ad_6 != ''}


{if $success == 1}


{$lang.register_msg2} {$inputs.email}.

By joining the ABE for Fitness community, you will have free access to the following features:

  • • Creating a personalized 'play list' of your favorite videos- You can design your daily workout routine!
  • • Sharing your playlist with other members
  • • Posting comments about activity burst to share with others

Finally with your permission we will contact you with information about updates to ABE for Fitness and related programming. Your contact information will not be shared with any outside party, and your privacy is assured.

To create your playlist, log in, find your favorite videos and click on "SAVE TO PLAYLIST".
To view or edit your playlist go to "MY FAVORITES".


{$lang.male} {$lang.female}
{if $show_countries_list} {$errors.country} {/if}


{include file='footer.tpl'}